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YAKIMA SkyRise HD Dachzelt - Medium
Heavy Duty Rooftop Tent

This exciting addition to our family is your hub for the ultimate mobile base camp in any season.

Aktion solange Vorrat reicht.

2499.00CHF 1499.00



YAKIMA Schloss-Set mit Schlüssel (2-er Set)

These cores and keys enable you to lock all of your yakima products with just one key.

CHF 29.90


YAKIMA Schloss-Set mit Schlüssel (4-er Set)

These cores and keys enable you to lock all of your yakima products with just one key.

CHF 39.90


YAKIMA Schloss-Set mit Schlüssel (6-er Set)

These cores and keys enable you to lock all of your yakima products with just one key.

CHF 49.90


YAKIMA Schloss-Set mit Schlüssel (8-er Set)

These cores and keys enable you to lock all of your yakima products with just one key.

CHF 59.90


YAKIMA Schloss-Set mit Schlüssel (10-er Set)

These cores and keys enable you to lock all of your yakima products with just one key.

CHF 69.90


YAKIMA FitKit K835W (Set)

Attaches to factory-fitted mounting points

CHF 69.00


YAKIMA FlushBar 95 cm + 100 cm silber Paar

Streamline aerofoil wing-like bar shape

CHF 299.00


YAKIMA FlushBar 95 cm + 100 cm schwarz Paar

Streamline aerofoil wing-like bar shape

CHF 299.00


Yakima / Whispbar Rail Bar S53W Mixed SM & MD Silver

Lastenträger (Paar) für eine schnelle und mühelose Montage bei Fahrzeugen mit Dachreling.

CHF 299.00


YAKIMA - CYKELL Fahrradträger T21 Justclick für 2 Velos [Anhängerkupplung]

mit optionalem Adapter 602 ausbaubar auf 3 Velos...

Thanks to the unique Just Click mounting system, the towball carrier makes transporting your rides a dream.

799.00CHF 699.00


YAKIMA - CYKELL Fahrradträger T31 Justclick für 3 Velos [Anhängerkupplung]

mit optionalem Adapter 602 ausbaubar auf 4 Velos...

Thanks to the unique Just Click mounting system, the towball carrier makes transporting your rides a dream.

899.00CHF 799.00


YAKIMA - CYKELL Fahrradträger FOLDCLICK-3 für 3 Velos [Anhängerkupplung]

Der neue faltbare Fahrradträger für die Anhängerkupplung.

Premium rear-of-car towball carrier with Just-Click mounting system.

899.00CHF 599.00

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