Fahrradreiniger 5 Liter Nachfüllkanister
Gewicht | 5 Liter |
Made in | Designed and formulated in England. |
EAN-Code | 5055168011493 |
Mit spezieller Rezeptur auch gegen den ganz hartnäckigen Schmutz. Schont trotzdem den Lack und ist auch geeignet um Karbon-Rahmen und Karbon-Bauteile, sowie eloxierte Teile und Scheibenbremsen (Dichtungen) schonend zu Reinigen.
Der Reiniger enthält kein Silikon, keine Lösungsmittel und ist biologisch abbaubar.
Den HOPE Reiniger auftragen, eventuell mit einem Schwamm oder Putzlappen Dreck lösen und nach ein paar Minuten mit Wasser abwaschen.
Dank dem HOPE Shit-Shifter reinigen Sie jedes auch noch so dreckige Bike innert Minuten blitzblank sauber...
Specially formulated by Hope to clean even the hardest grime and yet still be gentle enough not to damage your paintwork, carbon, anodised aluminium or brakes. It is available in 1 ltr trigger spray, 5 ltr jerry cans.
¤ Contains no Sodium Hydroxide (caustic soda) which attacks aluminium and anodised surfaces. Sh1t Shifter contains a substitute component that acts as a very effective releasing agent cutting through dirt without attacking material surfaces
¤ Contains no Silicon or similar polishing agents which both affect braking performance (both bike and disc brake friendly).
¤ Environmentally friendly and biodegradable. The solution is Alkaline, containing no solvents, acids or CFCs
¤ A blend of several surfactants (an-ionic and cat-ionic) this makes it effective on both dirt and oil, and when blended together creates a third reaction called synergy giving further cleaning power.
¤ Thick solution so it stays where you spray it allowing these reactions to occur on the dirt/oil.
¤ Sequestriens are added to aid rinsing and prevent staining/streaking when dry.
¤ Cleans with minimum of sweat, just a good hose pipe.